Cooking with a foil involves wrapping the food in foil and placing it on coal. This is one of the most convenient ways of creating dishes having several ingredients and delicate flavors. The coil should be thick enough to avoid any breakage or room for leakage that can allow heat and steam to circulate. A foil serves the same purpose as a mini-oven that you use to bake your food.
The cooking method is recommended if you are cooking some delicate food that should not flake or break into pieces. For example, if you are preparing fish and you do not want it to flake apart on a grill rack. Foils are also excellent when you do not want your food to lose the sauce and juices as they cook.

You can wrap yams or potatoes in a wrapped foil and place them directly in the coal. Foils can protect your food if you wish to cook the food directly in the coals. You can cook the potatoes until you notice a puncture with a skewer. For gourmets, I would recommend the use of foils that have a large surface, for example, 12 by 12 inches.
The reason is that such a foil will provide enough room for your quantity of food, leaving enough space for steam and heat circulation inside the foil packet. The image below shows an example of cooking in a foil.
You should always coat your foil using butter or oil to prevent food from sticking on the foil. You can also use olive oil spray for several dishes since it keeps the food from sticking, and it contributes flavor. Some of the advantages of using a foil include:
a. Leftovers can be easily stored since they can be kept in the cooking packets b. Cleaning up is much easier when you use foils c. Packets can be made ear lier, maybe before you leave for camping. This pack ets can be stored in the cooler un til you are read y to cook