One of the specific applications of the training in this series is going to be training to use a firearm for personal protection. We’ll show you how you can still effectively train for these scenarios without having to go to great expense. In addition, as our country continues on it’s anti-gun path, it’s likely that […]
Read More...Hunting With A Muzzleloader
Muzzle loaders have been used for hundreds of years. The firearm is still usable today, however, using a muzzle-loading firearm to hunt is a challenge. When you decide to take the plunge, be sure to research your states hunting laws regarding muzzle loaders. Find out more about muzzle loaders on this report. In This Report: What […]
Read More...Your Complete Guide To Hunting
Of all the traits shared by all great hunters, patience and a willingness to learn are perhaps the most essential. We cannot teach patience, but you will need to develop it to become a hunter. If you are willing to learn, you already have something in common with the masters of this great sport. Use the following materials as a starting point on your quest to become a hunter. Learn the vocabulary and study the techniques, and then look for real hunters willing to share their wisdom. Pull up a squat and listen intently to lifelong hunters, and take their words to heart. If their stories touch and inspire you, and you are willing to learn, you will be well on your way. Welcome to the amazing world of hunting!