There is a good chance each family has a member who is a special needs person. Following is a checklist of people who may need special accommodations during an emergency. A bug-in and bug-out kit will need to include the items necessary to ensure they stay safe and secure.
Special needs people may simply need certain supplies or particular foods. However, someone who is blind, mentally challenged, or confined to bed due to a medical condition, will need the help of other people. A disaster or crisis is stressful for everyone, but for someone dependent on others for their well-being, it is four times so.
Following is a checklist of things to consider if your household has special needs.

The special needs supplies can be added to family kits or separate special needs kits assembled. In some cases it may be as simple as adding backup hearing aid devices and batteries, and communication cards to the kit. However, as mentioned earlier, infants probably require their own bug-in and bug-out kits, as would someone who is chronically ill or has dietary restrictions.
Once the special needs emergency plan is developed, it is important to review it at least every 6 months. Circumstances can change, which will require amendments to your plan. You need to meet with all family members and ensure that more than one person is able to assist the special needs person should you not be able to carry out planned duties.
In 2009, an interesting study was completed by Temple University. The study compared the preparedness of households with and without special needs members. The results sadly reported that, despite having greater vulnerability to a disaster, households with special needs family members were not more likely to have prepared in advance by planning and buying.
Successful preppers plan ahead for everyone in their circle.