Who To Buy From
As with any business, there are those that are high quality and those that aren’t. Make sure that you start your breeding with the best quality (health) of rabbits as possible. You’ll want to check out the breeder’s facilities and check the animals over for any signs of illness. You’ll want to hold your prospective rabbit, thoroughly examine it for illness or damaged feet and ask for its health record.
Rabbits catch each other’s illnesses rather quickly, so if there is any signs of illness among the rabbits at that breeder, you’ll do best to wait or find a dierent breeder.
Sick rabbits should be removed from other rabbits as soon as possible and either culled or placed far away until it’s healed. Most rabbits, once sick, do not recover.
You’ll also want to make sure you trust the seller for other reasons. A forged pedigree, even falsifying a rabbits age by just a few months, can sometimes mean the difference between having a viable rabbit for breeding or simply just buying lunch. So check around your area and ask other farmers for their opinions on where to get the best stock. You may also want to check with your local Humane Society or Animal Rescue as they may know of places that breed inhumanely, which may have lower quality or diseased stock.

It is also not recommended to purchase stock around Easter as some breeders may have over-taxed the Does or their resources in order to have supply for the demand.