Top 10 Gun Safety Skills
For anyone that uses a firearm, safety and knowing how to use a weapon is of paramount concern, and the same principle holds true for anyone contemplating a firearm purchase. Firearm safety involves both the safe use of a weapon as well as safe storage of firearms in the home.The following guide highlights all of the things you need to know to keep you and your loved ones safe when using and storing firearms.
Lesson Topics
- Point the Muzzle in a Safe Direction
- Make Sure Your Firearms Are Always Unloaded When They Aren’t Being Used
- Don’t Rely Exclusively on Your Gun’s “Safety”
- Use the Correct Type of Ammunition for Your Firearm
- Know What Is in Front of Your Target – And Beyond
- Be Extremely Cautious If You Pull the Trigger and the Gun Doesn’t Fire
- Ensure a Barrel Is Free from Obstructions Prior to Firing
- Regularly Maintain Your Weapons & Understand Them
- Wear Protective Eyewear & Ear Protective Gear
- Keep Your Weapons Safely Stored in the Home