For many people, bartering is both an automatic reflex and a learned skill. People exchange money for goods every day without ever thinking about the true cost or value of the money or item they’re purchasing. It’s unfortunate that bartering or “haggling” over prices is so often frowned on simply because current etiquette dictates that not paying the stated price of an item is bad form and trying to get a better deal will make you look “cheap”. But why would you ever want to pay more than the absolute minimum required for an item you want?
If you would rather pay face value for everything you want and need, please put this report down now. It is not meant for you.
However, If you are less interested in keeping up with the Jones’s and more concerned with getting the most bang for your buck then read on.
After a crisis you need to make sure you know exactly how to approach a situation and what to say or do to get what you need without compromising your safety or giving up something that you will need down the road in a bad deal. This is the essence of bartering in a normal situation, and it becomes even more important in a crisis.
The best part about bartering is that you can use it on a daily basis and with a bit of practice and effort, you can become a master negotiator and barter tactician that is conscious of every bartering opportunity available that you would have otherwise missed.

Once you learn the art of effective negotiation, you will be able to barter with ease and gain more favorable results. However, it is important to remember that while it may be possible for you to influence people to give you the things you want for far less than they want, you may need to work with these people again. Being fair in your tactics will prove to be beneficial in future dealings just as taking advantage of those less skilled in the art of bartering will usually end up hurting later exchanges. The best case scenario is for both parties to leave the table satisfied that they got a “square deal”. Unfortunately the best case scenarios rarely play out and you may need to resort to more drastic measures… but you will learn more about that later.