Virginia Continues Down Gun Control Rabbit Hole

Virginia Continues Down Gun Control Rabbit Hole

On July 1, Virginia passed sweeping gun control legislation that Governor Ralph Northam had pushed forward since the Virginia Beach mass shooting in 2019. Now, Arlington County has banned firearms on government owned properties. This includes county government buildings, parks, and at designated special events. The Arlington County board voted unanimously in favor of the […]

Is the Kyle Rittenhouse Case Foreshadowing Our Future?

Is the Kyle Rittenhouse Case Foreshadowing Our Future?

There have been record gun sales in 2020. Ammunition is scarce as citizens are arming themselves against the unknown. Racial tensions are the highest they’ve been in decades. Rioting and looting have destroyed cities across the country, in the name of “justice.” And a growing anti-police sentiment, coupled with Democratic governors and mayors unwilling to […]

AGA Weekly Community News | increased gun control

AGA Weekly Community News | increased gun control

As we approach November’s Presidential election, the AGA reminds you to register to vote and research your candidates. President Trump has consistently spoken in favor of the 2nd Amendment, citing its value in protecting free speech, privacy, and religious freedom. Despite previously making comments about “stronger background checks” and increased gun control, Trump has not […]